What new camper discounts are available?
New camper discounts can be applied to any new camper who has not been to Camp Hope before for the following summer sessions: Home School Camp, Junior Camps & Girls Camp. New camper discounts are not eligible for campers attending Teen Camps.
There are two types of new camper discounts.
1. A $25 discount will be given to any new camper for the above listed sessions. This discount is applicable for one week of camp per camper.
2. A $25 discount will be given for an existing camper who refers a brand new camper for any of the above sessions and registers for a week camp. Existing campers can receive multiple new camper referral discounts.
There is a dialogue box to complete for new camper discounts when you register your camper for a week of camp.
For any further questions, please contact camp at 770.536.4787 or
How are cabin assignments made?
Cabins are assigned by age and cabin assignment with two friends will be considered if campers are within one year of each other. This request must be made on the registration form by both campers for each other, but cabin requests are not guaranteed. The Camp Director is responsible for making cabin assignments. Cabin assignments are made according to the camper’s gender at birth.
How are staff members selected?
Many of the staff of Camp Hope were campers in the past as children and now desire to minister to the children that are now coming to camp. Cabin leaders are chosen for their spiritual maturity and the ability to interact with the campers. Staff must turn in two references each year with one being a personal reference that is not a family member and the second reference must come their church’s local leadership. The Program Director will also talk with the potential staff member to determine where they stand spiritually, how their walk with the Lord has been and their ability to present the gospel in a very clear way according to biblical standards.
What are Camp Hope's COVID-19 protocols?
Masks and vaccines will not be mandated. If campers or staff feel more comfortable wearing a mask or receiving the vaccine this will be no problem.
Georgia Health Department Guidelines will be followed for each week of camp.
Before Arrival
The text below is sent out to campers and staff the week before the start of camp.
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, please review the questions below, and if any of the questions are answered with a “Yes” then we are asking that you remain at home.
- Is your temperature is 100.4 degrees F or greater?
2. In the last 10 days have you had a positive COVID-19 test and not completed your 5 day isolation period and your 5 day quarantine period?
3. In the last 10 days have you been exposed to someone with a positive COVID-19 test and not completed your quarantine period?
4. In the past 5 days have you had any COVID-19 symptoms? Covid symptoms ae fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, head congestion or runny nose, nausea and diarrhea.
Registration Day
– Check and record camper and staff temperature and review COVID-19 and General Health Screening questions.
General Health Screening Questionnaire
- Have you brought any medications with you to camp?
- Have you consulted a doctor within the past 2 weeks?
- Has the camper had a fever greater than 99.9 degrees F or taken fever meds, vomiting or diarrhea within the last 48 hours?
4. Have you been exposed to any communicable diseases recently?
If any of these questions can be answered with a “Yes”, please see the nurse as you go through registration.
Dining Room
– After each meal, tables and all other horizontal surfaces will be wiped down with a sanitizing solution
– Silverware will be placed in silverware envelopes
Dish Room
– Sanitizing solution levels will be checked for the proper level daily
MPB Bathrooms
– Sanitized twice/day
Camper Cabins
– After daily cleaning, bathrooms, light switches, doorknobs, and door faces will be sanitized
Lake Pavilion
– Pews will be sanitized after each meeting
What is the Camp Hope insurance policy?
The parents’ signature on the registration form gives permission for the campers to attend supervised off camp activities or field trips along with all activities on camp property including the zip line.
All claims for medical services must be submitted to the camper’s parents’ or guardian’s insurance company first. Then any unpaid balance may be paid by Camp Hope’s limited insurance policy. The parent or guardian will be primarily responsible for routine or emergency medical expenses.
How is Camp Hope supported?
Camp Hope’s support comes through two main avenues. About 50% comes from camper registration fees, and 50% comes from donations from individuals and local churches. If you would like to fellowship with camp in this way to help with general expenses or to designate a gift toward specific needs such as camper scholarships, please click here.
What is the patch program?
For Home School, Junior, and Teen Camps, each camper will have the opportunity to earn a patch for team points. Patches are earned by reciting Scripture memory verses, taking notes during chapel, and having a good attitude. The verses for each year can be found here.
How can I contact my child during camp?
All electronic devices will be collected upon arrival. Feel free to stay in touch with your camper by sending letters or packages! The Camp Hope phone may be used to contact campers or parents/guardians in case of emergency.

Join us at our next event at Camp Hope!