The Father/Son Retreat is a weekend session for fathers/father figures and their sons to spend time together learning God’s Word.

God’s stories in the Bible are the best.  They are not only extremely exciting, but the outcomes are unexpected and the lessons to be learned from these stories are so important for our lives.  Gideon of the O.T.  and Philip of the N.T. reveal to us that God will test our faith.  This testing should produce a stronger faith.  Captain Barak, though not a judge of the O.T., learned how important it is to trust God to bring victory to His people.  Samson,  a judge who lived for himself, learned the uselessness of a life given to serving himself rather than God.  Yes, God knows how  to get our attention and change us in a practical way.

APRIL 25-27, 2025

Speaker: Phil Guikema


Steve Roys
(678) 316-7309


Tent – $110 (Tent provided by campers)
Cabin – $120
Lodge Room – $140

Check-in/Registration: 5:30pm-7:30pm Friday 

*Hot dogs will be provided until 7:00pm.

Pick-up: Sunday after a light lunch

  • Not sure what to pack? We have provided a suggested packing list here.
  • Camp Hope does offer a guideline for how to dress while at camp. You can find the Dress Code here.
  • Each Sunday morning, the whole camp participates in a special meeting to remember the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and to take the Lord’s Supper. At the conclusion of that meeting, an offering will be collected for the general expenses of Camp Hope.
  • Fathers and sons are welcome to bring tents to camp on the soccer field. Cabins will also be available for lodging.

Join us at our next event at Camp Hope!